Green Building Energy Sustainability Inc. (GBES) is dedicated to helping our clients plan, build and verify energy-efficient Commercial and Residential buildings through compliance with the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), ASHRAE 90.1, and other Green Building programs. We have been in the inspection, energy modeling, and pressure testing business for 40 years, helping our clients achieve those goals.

Green Building, Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability are a complex set of terms covering many intertwined components necessary to build and maintain buildings with minimal negative impacts on our culture, climate, and environment. Together they preserve our natural resources and improve our quality of life.

Green Buildings start with good Planning and design that integrate affordable buildings that integrate with the community’s needs, transportation, and resource management to create energy-efficient spaces, good indoor air quality, local materials for construction, water conservation, and waste reduction. This marvelous goal is achieved by good Planning, design, and setting benchmarks verified by inspections and testing, operation, and maintenance to ensure the end product reaches the designed goal. This is often achieved using Green Building construction programs like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) from the USGBC (US Green Building Council), NGBS (National Green Building Standards) from the NHBA (National Home Builders Association), ICC 700 from the International Code Council, HERS (Home Energy Rating Systems from RESNET) or EnergyStar from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Each program is slightly different but with similar objectives.

Energy Efficiency has come a long way since the gas embargo in 1973. Good Energy Efficiency starts with a good design considering the local weather climate to build a structure that can handle expected weather with minimal energy inputs. That design is then validated through Energy Modeling using computer software to ensure the design is adequate. Then the structure is inspected during construction to ensure energy-efficient details are included in the process that will provide the expected results. After construction, the building envelope is pressure tested to ensure achievable energy-efficient goals. Finally, the building is commissioned to test whether the building systems are operational to meet the projected energy efficiency goals. These details and processes are all included in the IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) required in most municipalities. This code is updated every three years to keep new construction on the cutting edge of Energy Efficiency.

Sustainability is a comprehensive term that covers a lot of ground. Many users define The term differently to encompass aspects of durability and longevity with minimal impact on our culture, environment, and economy. Sustainability is built into most green building programs to help meet these durability goals.

GBES uses specialized technology to evaluate and test buildings, such as Blower Doors, Duct Pressurization Equipment, Infrared Cameras,  Moisture Meters, and Ultra Sound equipment to help locate issues before they become problems that affect the durability and sustainability of the building or system.

  • Blower Doors determine air infiltration,
  • Duct Pressurization equipment determines HVAC duct leakage,
  • Infrared Cameras can help with missing insulation, locate roof and wall water leaks before that damage a building, check electrical systems before overloads can cause fires or insurance claims, or help recommission buildings to improve their energy efficiency.
  • Moisture meters can locate moisture behind stucco walls and on other surfaces.

We aim for a durable building to improve its sustainability for a long and useful life. If GBES can help you evaluate your existing building or plan for the construction of a new building, please give our staff of Engineers a call to start on your project. Our Office number is 940-808-1430

We have a dedicated phone for our Spanish-speaking clients. If we can answer questions or schedule an inspection, please give us a call at 682-246-8150.